Friday, November 03, 2006

my scandalous affair.

nights have been very tormenting ever since i've been placed back on the shelf. i would normally dump a couple glasses of whiskey down my zombified body each time before i go to sleep. last night, i've decided to take myself to the pub for once.

i walked my despondent self straight to the bar after my sociology class. they were playing classic jazz last night. i couldnt help but the think back on how madly in love i was once before. it suck when you get to compare between the before and after. i felt so dejected.

it was already 12 midnight when i think i had a lil too much to drink. right at the other end of the bar counter was this very attractive lady, a pisces. lets call her grace. i knew she's a pisces because we started chatting soon after. it was pure coincidence that she's another forlorn soul, taking a breather only for tonight. we shared our encounters and only later that we realised that its already passed 3am.

we left the pub and i really wanted to send her home. i cant explain why the change, but there's a tinge of embarrassment while we're in the cab. i walked her right to her doorstep, her place looks huge. it's a semi D along bukit timah. it took me awhile to finally say goodbye. it felt something like "parting's such sweet sorrow" if u get wad i meant.

it only took me a step away from her, when she suddenly invited me into her place for a drink. i cant explain that pull, but i agreed almost instantaneously. the place is like a dream. victorian tiles, dimly lited, and best of all, everyone else at home went abroad.

we started kissing. passionately. she isnt anywhere like an ordinary girl. we were almost like making out in this aura which speaks only for romance. it felt unbelievable. the sex was good.

and i woke up this morning, only to realise that she's gone. everything around me seemed exactly like my room. and to tell you peeps that after reading all the way till here, everything that you've read was made up by me. haha... ok... i was just bored. but it would be nice if something like that would have happened to me. =)

seb at 1:50 PM

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